The Eternal Bond: How Long Does an LDS Temple Sealing Last?

As an expert in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), I have been asked many questions about our beliefs and practices. One question that often comes up is, how long does an LDS temple sealing last? This is a valid question, as the sealing ceremony is a sacred and important part of our faith.

The Purpose of an LDS Temple Sealing

Before we dive into the duration of a temple sealing, it's important to understand its purpose. In the LDS Church, we believe that families can be together forever, even after death. This belief is based on the principle of eternal families, which is central to our faith. The temple sealing is a sacred ceremony that binds a husband and wife together for eternity.

It is not just a marriage ceremony, but a sealing of two individuals as husband and wife in the eyes of God. This means that their marriage will continue beyond this life and into the eternities. During the sealing ceremony, couples make covenants with God and each other, promising to be faithful and committed to one another for eternity. This sacred bond is believed to continue even after death, as long as both individuals remain faithful to their covenants.

The Duration of an LDS Temple Sealing

Now, let's get to the main question at hand - how long does an LDS temple sealing last? The simple answer is for eternity. As mentioned earlier, the purpose of a temple sealing is to bind a couple together for eternity, not just for this life. This means that there is no set time limit for a temple sealing.

It will last as long as the couple remains faithful to their covenants and to each other. In the LDS Church, we believe that marriage is an eternal commitment, not just a temporary one. It's important to note that a temple sealing is not a guarantee of a happy and successful marriage. It requires effort, love, and commitment from both individuals to make it work. However, the sealing ceremony serves as a reminder of the eternal nature of their relationship and can provide strength and motivation to overcome challenges.

What Happens if a Couple Divorces?

Divorce is a difficult and painful experience for any couple, regardless of their religious beliefs.

In the case of an LDS temple sealing, if a couple decides to divorce, the sealing is still considered valid in the eyes of God. However, it is no longer binding in this life. In order for either individual to be sealed to another person in the temple, they must first obtain a cancellation of their previous sealing. This process involves meeting with church leaders and providing evidence that the previous sealing is no longer valid. Once the cancellation is granted, the individual is free to be sealed to another person in the temple.

The Importance of Temple Sealings

As an expert in the LDS Church, I cannot stress enough the importance of temple sealings in our faith.

It is a sacred and essential part of our beliefs and provides hope and comfort to families who have lost loved ones. In addition to sealing couples together for eternity, temple sealings also allow families to be sealed together. This means that children born into an LDS family are automatically sealed to their parents in the temple. This provides a sense of security and peace knowing that families can be together forever. Furthermore, temple sealings are not just limited to couples who are getting married. In the LDS Church, we also perform sealings for couples who have been married civilly and wish to be sealed in the temple.

This allows them to make covenants with God and each other, just like a couple who is getting married for the first time in the temple.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, the duration of an LDS temple sealing is for eternity. It is a sacred and essential part of our faith, binding couples together for eternity and providing hope and comfort to families. While there is no set time limit for a temple sealing, it requires effort and commitment from both individuals to make it work. If you are considering getting married or sealed in the temple, I encourage you to seek guidance from church leaders and prepare yourself spiritually. A temple sealing is a beautiful and sacred ceremony that can bring immense joy and blessings to your life.

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